They perish in vain, seeking treasure at the depths of hell itself. Such is the fate of the adventurer...
You are the god of the adventureres, the god the dungeons. Wished into existance by those who desire hope. It is now your task to protect your followers in the dungeons and guide them ever so deep into a maze which knows no bounds.
## Features
- Create dungeons by smartly aligning the falling rooms
- Watch out for monsters!
- Distribute buffs such as healing or attack crystals wisely
- Rooms can have "colors" (red rooms indicate "strong monsters"). These colors can affect each other, plan the layout with this in mind!
- Open up paths for your adventurer by using the doors
- Gather followers Rooster Rumbleat your shrine and become stronger
- Carry out rituals to gain new powers
- Thrilling boss battles
You are god!