Grandpa And Granny Two Night Hunters is a horror adventure game for Android devices. Captivates from the first minutes A dizzying horror game with action elements for mobile platforms that will give you completely new emotions and experience from the game, get ready for the most terrifying and incredible adventures of your life! In Grandpa And Granny Two Night Hunters you are given a unique opportunity to participate in a horror game not as a victim, but as a hunter, this is where you have to stalk and hunt innocent people, all for the sake of cruel entertainment. Colorful and atmospheric You will have two characters available to play, the evil Granny and the unrestrained Grandfather, who are crazy about bullying people lost in the forest. Granny is an experienced detective of victims who can move absolutely silently, and Grandfather has speed, a sharp mind and powerful weapons; by choosing a specific character, the gameplay of the game will change radically. Chase victims and get valuable bonuses, find hiding places and play brutal hide and seek. Grandpa And Granny Two Night Hunters will delight you with dynamic and addictive gameplay, beautiful 3D graphics and a large number of gaming features that will not let you get bored.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 123.08 MBAndroid TVNoGameparummyfb.comd SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats new Bugs fixed.Update history-----
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