SlenderMan Origins 3 is the third installment in a series of games that have become incredibly popular. More than 5 million players around the world cannot be wrong! The focus is on a very ordinary school, in which students suddenly began to disappear. First it was Samantha, then Jessica... The police gave up long ago, the case was abandoned, and the school was closed. But the problem remains. Perhaps you will be the next victim. To understand everything that is happening, find your friends and stop the madness, you went to the very school where you face your fears face to face. Continuing the traditions of SlenderMan Origins 1 and 2, this game is primarily interesting in its history. It has high-quality, professional Russian voice acting and is capable of making you afraid from the first seconds. They are afraid of the dark, extraneous sounds, every corner - everything. Are you able to withstand all the intensity of passions, survive the terrifying screams of missing schoolgirls, the heartbreaking screams of ghosts and the attention of Slender himself? We doubt it...CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 124.74 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this daFortune TigertaWhats new Bugs fixedUpdate history-----
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