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source admin browse量 51 date 2024-05-29


DMS+ is the first horror application that carries the HORROR CINEMATIC UNIVERSE concept

DMS+ will invite its subscribers to learn more about DMS+ Host // SARA WIJAYANTO, DEMIAN ADITYA, FADI ISKANDAR and WISNU HARDANA, along with other horror content creators in the country and abroad

Some of DMS+'s supporter programs include:

- Journey to Annabelle

- DMS + Especial

- Sosokpedia

- Living room

- Horror entertainment

- Invisible +

- After midnight

- News more

Find your excitement by attending various DMS+ Offair events, including:

- Terror of Nobar

- Many

- Horror Festival

Hey, wait a minute... there's more...

Find convenience in purchasing merchandise, video on demand and box tickets in the app

Find different emotions when you access the DMS+ Team's mysterious news and travels in just one app.

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