EMT PASS- NEWApplication Description The Android Application EMT PASS- NERollie rummyW developed by Limmer Education, LLC is listed under category Medical. The Current Version Is 1.1.4, Updated On 12/04/2023. According to Google Play, EMT PASS- NEW has achieved more than 4 thousand installs. Currently, EMT PASS- NEW Has 43 Reviews With Average Vote Value 4.1 NEW & REDESIGNED! To better help you study for and pass the NREMT exam, we have redesigned the EMT PASS to include shorter topical review questions and two summative final exams. All questions have been revised and updated to provide the best learning experience. Topical review tests include sections on airway, cardiology, medicine, trauma, operations, OB, and pediatrics. All review tests include a detailed written rationale to help you better understand the answer and how to interpret an NREMT-style question. When you're ready to test your readiness and challenge your stamina, move on to the two 120-question mock NREMT exams in the test section.Still the tough, high-quality questions you've come to expect from Bill Brown, former executive director of NREMT, the redesigned EMT PASS will prepare you like no other to pass the certification exam. Read more What's New Updated for server compatibility
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