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Free download Exion Hill Racing APK for Android
source admin browse量 73 date 2024-05-07
  • Exion Hill Racing
  • Exion Hill Racing
  • Exion Hill Racing
  • Exion Hill Racing
  • Exion Hill Racing
  • Exion Hill Racing
  • Exion Hill Racing
  • Exion Hill Racing
  • Exion Hill Racing
  • Exion Hill Racing
  • Exion Hill Racing
  • Exion Hill Racing
  • Exion Hill Racing
Description of Exion Hill Racing Exion Hill Racing is a realistic physics-based speed racing game.Upgradeable parts are the engine, suspension and tires. Version history Exion Hill Racing New in Exion Hill Racing 24.3.12 - New Graphics Engine.New in Exion Hill Racing 23.7 - Some Redesigned Maps.- Updated Vulkan Graphics Engine.- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford Mustang.New in Exion Hill Racing 23.6 - Modified Levels: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.- Updated Graphics Engine.- Updated Physics Engine.New in Exion Hill Racing 23.3 - Modified Maps.- Vulkan Graphics Engine.- nVidia PhysX 4 Physics Engine.New in Exion Hill Racing 23.2 - Redesigned Maps.- New Engine Sounds.- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford Mustang.New in Exion Hill Racing 23.1 - Redesigned Maps.- New Engine Sounds.- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford Mustang.New in Exion Hill Racing 6.98 - Redesigned Map: Level 1- Vulkan Graphics Engine.- nVidia PhysX 4 Physics Engine.- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford Mustang.New in Exion Hill Racing 6.96 - Modified Levels: 19, 20, 21.- Vulkan Graphics Engine.- nVidia PhysX 4 Physics Engine.- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford Mustang.New in Exion Hill Racing 6.83 - Modified Levels: 7, 8, 9.- Vulkan Graphics Engine.- nVidia PhysX 4 Physics Engine.- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford Mustang.New in Exion Hill Racing 6.82 - Modified Levels: 6, 12, 18.- Vulkan Graphics Engine.- nVidia PhysX 4 Physics Engine.- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford Mustang.New in Exion Hill Racing 6.81 - Modified Levels: 5, 11, 17.- Vulkan Graphics Engine.- nVidia PhysX 4 Physics Engine.- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford Mustang.New in Exion Hill Racing 6.68 - Modified Levels: 6, 12, 18.- Vulkan Graphics Engine.- nVidia PhysX 4 Physics Engine.- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford Mustang.New in Exion Hill Racing 6.45 - Modified Levels: 3, 9, 15- Vulkan Graphics Engine.- nVidia PhysX 4 Physics Engine.- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford Mustang.New in Exion Hill Racing 6.7up 7 Down Play32 - Vulkan Graphics Engine.- nVidia PhysX 4 Physics Engine.- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford Mustang.- Modified Levels: 5, 14, 23New in Exion Hill Racing 6.28 - Vulkan Graphics Engine.- nVidia PhysX 4 Physics Engine.- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford Mustang.New in Exion Hill Racing 6.10 - Version 2022- Modified Maps: Level 12, 14, 16.- Modified Air Suspensions.- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford Mustang.- Ferrari 458, Mini Cooper and Mercedes AMG.New in Exion Hill Racing 6.00 - Version 2022.- Modified Maps: Level 7, 8, 9.- Modified Air Suspensions.- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford Mustang.- Ferrari 458, Mini Cooper and Mercedes AMG.New in Exion Hill Racing 5.28 - Modified Maps: Level 15, 21, 30.- Modified Air Suspensions.- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford Mustang.- Ferrari 458, Mini Cooper and Mercedes AMG.New in Exion Hill Racing 5.26 - Modified Maps: Level 2, 8, 14.- You can unlock the locked levels.- Mini Cooper, Mercedes AMG and Ferrari 458- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford MustangNew in Exion Hill Racing 5.23 - Modified Maps: Level 3, 9, 15.- You can unlock the locked levels.- Mini Cooper, Mercedes AMG and Ferrari 458- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford MustangNew in Exion Hill Racing 5.21 - Modified Maps: Level 6, 12, 18.- You can unlock the locked levels.- Mini Cooper, Mercedes AMG and Ferrari 458- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford MustangNew in Exion Hill Racing 5.18 - Modified Maps: Level 3, 9, 15.- You can unlock the locked levels.- Mini Cooper, Mercedes AMG and Ferrari 458- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford MustangNew in Exion Hill Racing 5.16 - Modified Maps: Level 2, 6, 18.- You can unlock the locked levels.- Mini Cooper, Mercedes AMG and Ferrari 458- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford MustangNew in Exion Hill Racing 5.15 - Modified Maps: Level 1, 5, 9.- You can unlock the locked levels.- Mini Cooper, Mercedes AMG and Ferrari 458- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford MustangNew in Exion Hill Racing 5.14 - Modified Maps: Level 12, 15, 18.- You can unlock the locked levels.- Mini Cooper, Mercedes AMG and Ferrari 458- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford MustangNew in Exion Hill Racing 5.12 - Modified Maps: Level 3, 6, 9.- You can unlock the locked levels.- Mini Cooper, Mercedes AMG and Ferrari 458- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford MustangNew in Exion Hill Racing 5.10 - Modified Maps: Level 20, 23, 26.- You can unlock the locked levels.- Mini Cooper, Mercedes AMG and Ferrari 458- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford MustangNew in Exion Hill Racing 5.00 - Modified Maps: Level 12, 18, 23.- You can unlock the locked levels.- Mini Cooper, Mercedes AMG and Ferrari 458- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford MustangNew in Exion Hill Racing 2.86 - Modified Maps: Level 20, 21, 28.- You can unlock the locked levels.- Mini Cooper, Mercedes AMG and Ferrari 458- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford MustangNew in Exion Hill Racing 2.83 - Modified Maps: Level 12, 14, 18.- You can unlock the locked levels.- Mini Cooper, Mercedes AMG and Ferrari 458- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford MustangNew in Exion Hill Racing 2.81 - Modified Maps: Level 20, 22, 24.- You can unlock the locked levels.- Mini Cooper, Mercedes AMG and Ferrari 458- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford MustangNew in Exion Hill Racing 2.69 - Modified Maps: Level 15, 17, 19.- You can unlock the locked levels.- Mini Cooper, Mercedes AMG and Ferrari 458- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford MustangNew in Exion Hill Racing 2.68 - New Sounds at Level 24,29,31.- New Engine Sounds at Level 20,27,28.- Path Indicators at Level 28.- Modified Air Suspensions.- You can unlock the locked levels.- Mini Cooper, Mercedes AMG and Ferrari 458- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford MustangNew in Exion Hill Racing 2.65 - New Sounds at Level 1,3,6.- New Engine Sound at Level 15.- Path Indicators at Level 28.- Modified Air Suspensions.- You can unlock the locked levels.- Mini Cooper, Mercedes AMG and Ferrari 458- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford MustangNew in Exion Hill Racing 2.59 - New Path Indicators at Level 28.- New Engine Sounds.- New Air Suspensions.- You can unlock the locked levels.- Mini Cooper, Mercedes AMG and Ferrari 458- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford MustangNew in Exion Hill Racing 2.56 - New Engine Sounds at Level 1..10.- New Air Suspensions.- You can unlock the locked levels.- Mini Cooper, Mercedes AMG and Ferrari 458- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford MustangNew in Exion Hill Racing 2.51 - New Air Suspension!- Modified maps: Level 1, 2, and Level 5- You can unlock the locked levels.- Mini Cooper, Mercedes AMG and Ferrari 458- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford MustangNew in Exion Hill Racing 2.48 - New Air Suspension!- Modified maps: Level 1, 2, and Level 5- You can unlock the locked levels.- Mini Cooper, Mercedes AMG and Ferrari 458- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford MustangNew in Exion Hill Racing 2.46 - More springs, more fun!- Modified maps: Level 1 and Level 2- You can unlock the locked levels.- Mini Cooper, Mercedes AMG and Ferrari 458- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford MustangNew in Exion Hill Racing 2.45 - More springs, more fun!- Modified map: Level 1- You can unlock the locked levels.- Mini Cooper, Mercedes AMG and Ferrari 458- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford MustangNew in Exion Hill Racing 2.42 - More springs, more fun!- Upgraded levels from 1 to 31.- You can unlock the locked levels.- Mini Cooper, Mercedes AMG and Ferrari 458- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford MustangNew in Exion Hill Racing 2.41 - Technical update for graphics engine.- You can unlock the locked levels.- Mini Cooper, Mercedes AMG and Ferrari 458- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford MustangNew in Exion Hill Racing 2.35 - Technical update for graphics engine.- Modified map: Level 7. (It's even easier now.)- You can unlock the locked levels.- Mini Cooper, Mercedes AMG and Ferrari 458- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford MustangNew in Exion Hill Racing 2.31 - Technical update: new graphics engine and new physics engine.- Modified map: Level 7. (Now easier.)- You can open the locked levels.- Mini Cooper, Mercedes AMG and Ferrari 458- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford MustangNew in Exion Hill Racing 2.16 - Modified map: Level 30.- You can open the locked levels.- Mini Cooper, Mercedes AMG and Ferrari 458- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford MustangNew in Exion Hill Racing 2.14 - New map: Level 30.- You can open the locked levels.- Mini Cooper, Mercedes AMG and Ferrari 458- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford MustangNew in Exion Hill Racing 2.12 - Compatibility update for new devices.- You can open the locked levels.- Mini Cooper, Mercedes AMG and Ferrari 458- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford Mustang New in Exion Hill Racing 2.10 - New map: Level 29- You can open the locked levels.- Mini Cooper, Mercedes AMG and Ferrari 458- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford Mustang New in Exion Hill Racing 2.08 - New map: Level 28- Mini Cooper, Mercedes AMG and Ferrari 458- Lamborghini Huracan and Ford Mustang New in Exion Hill Racing 2.06 - New map: Level 27.- Game engine update.- Lambo Gallardo, Ford Shelby, Ferrari, Mini, Toyota Supra. 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